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We know that Box Sign is already making waves for many of you, helping streamline document signing and collaboration. Box Sign is designed to simplify how you manage electronic signatures. From contracts and agreements to approvals and forms, it’s a powerful tool that saves time, boosts efficiency, and enhances security.


Tell Us Your Story! ✍️

🤔 What use cases have you explored with Box Sign? It could be streamlining contract approvals, managing secure signatures, or any other unique applications.

🤔 Are there specific ways it has been a game-changer for you?

🤔 Or is there something you wish it could do better?

We want to hear all about it! 🤗

Why Share? 🗣️

  • Inspire Others: Your stories can spark new ideas and innovative ways to leverage Box Sign among your peers.

  • Community Collaboration: By sharing, you help create a rich repository of knowledge that benefits everyone in our community.

  • Shape the Future: Your contributions provide vital insights that can drive future enhancements and features in Box Sign.


How to Contribute? 📃

✍️ Just leave a comment below or create a new discussion post in our community forum. Don’t forget to include details of your use case and the benefits you’ve experienced.


Your experiences and insights are what makes our community thrive! Looking forward to your amazing stories! 🤗



Your Box Community Team 💙

Email - as a communication modality - may surface within a client workflow in situations where an easy invocation of BoxSign may be required (e.g. an attorney edits a file and then needs to send it out for a signature - and other use-cases where a signature may be required). 

When triggered via email, mxHERO allows for automation of BoxSign invocation:

Here is a simple workflow demo example that can be automatically configured for enterprises who have mxHERO’s Mail2Cloud platform integrated with the Box Intelligent Content Cloud: 


mxHERO can also use an Agentic AI workflow via email to automate a BoxSign event - by simply asking the AI Agent to remit an approved file (saved in Box) to a recipient (or multiple recipients) just by asking the AI to invoke the workflow.  Here is an overview asset with a demo as presented at BoxWorks 2024’s AI Partner Showcase event:

Hi ​@DonHammons I love that! Thanks for sharing your use case and for providing a workflow demo example of mxHERO’s Mail2Cloud and Box integration.


For the intelligent email management, learn more from mxHERO here😎

At mxHERO, we help customers to intelligently move their email content (including email body, valuable metadata, and attachments) automatically into Box.  With Box’s recent advancements announced yesterday pursuant to EAdvanced, this inclusion of email content within Box will unlock AI super powers fueled up by Box’s Shield, Box’s Relay, Box Hubs, Box AI Studio and Box AI.

In tandem - as a partner - we also use Box.  One novel BoxSign e-signature use case we deployed was to support a workflow automation aligned with our own internal use of Salesforce.  As such, we setup an easy to activate integration between mxHERO, Box and Salesforce. As such, a sales actor at mxHERO can now configure/price/quote (CPQ) right in Salesforce to setup a contract or order.  Once done, we sync the order in Salesforce and with one click of a button, it fires the outbound contract or order from Salesforce. Once triggered, the order automatically invokes BoxSign for the recipient to review and e-sign the order.  Voila!  Once the order is signed using BoxSign, the newly signed order flows automatically back into the appropriate ‘customer folder in Box using the mxHERO with Box integration and intelligence.  That then triggers a workflow notification for the sales leader to take the best next step action given that the contract is now signed.  Box | mxHERO | Salesforce:  An excellent tri-fecta platform setup for workflow automation and automated invocation of BoxSign!  The other advantage here is that the order is placed into Box and can be visible within Salesforce at the Account or Opportunity object level for the AE using the native Box w/Salesforce Managed Package (connector).  This ensures our valuable content is resident within Box (not Salesforce) providing for silo elimination and further Box-powered collaboration.  Win-Win!
