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Posting in the general category

  • August 9, 2024
  • 1 reply

thomasdeely Box

This category is a great place for general questions and conversations around all things Box. To get started go to “Create A Topic” on the top right and you will be presented with the option to ask a Question or start a Conversation. 


  1. Questions could be anything around using the Box product or integrations
  2. Conversations can be more open such as ideas, best practices, tips and tricks, something interesting you done with Box or even something you have read relating to your job and intelligent content management, AI, security, etc or highlights from a recent event. Conversations can also be phrased as questions e.g. Did you know? 

📣 There are a few simple things you can do to make your post more effective:

  1. If you have a question, make sure you have done a search! 
  2. Phrase your title as an open question. For example “how do I” or “what are”, “did you hear about” are good ways to start your title. Here is an example
  3. Make the body of your post easy to read. Provide enough detail for someone to answer the question. Keep it short and precise and use the formatting tools as appropriate, for example: 
  • Use headings as necessary

  • Add bullets to your post

  • Use the bold formatting

  • Embed media such as images, videos if helpful

  • Add icons 🕺 to make it fun

  • Use color font if it works for your content

  • Use background colors for emphasis




If your post would be interesting to someone else, tag them in the post, invite them to the conversation...

Add tags to your question to make it easier for others to find


Feel free to share other recommendations….

1 reply

thomasdeely Box
  • Author
  • Sr. Community Manager
  • 70 replies
  • August 12, 2024

The forums are a great way to find out what is happening in the community, if you see category which is interesting to you, make sure to “subscribe” so you can be notified around what is posted in the category. The “Subscribe” button is on the top right when viewing the category.




You can also follow community members and send them a DM!










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