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How can I tell if my SDK or API calls are connected to my account?

  • November 18, 2024
  • 0 replies

I’m runng a script on my local machine:


from boxsdk import Client, OAuth2
from boxsdk.exception import BoxAPIException

# Authenticate with Box
oauth2 = OAuth2(
    access_token='xxxxxxx'  # Replace with OAuth token for production

client = Client(oauth2)

    # Get the root folder
    root_folder_id = '0'
    folder = client.folder(folder_id=root_folder_id)

    # Print basic folder information
    folder_info = folder.get()
    print(f"Accessing folder: {} (ID: {})")
    print(f"Total item count in folder: {folder_info.item_collection['total_count']}")

    # Retrieve and list items in the folder with a higher limit
    items = list(folder.get_items(limit=1000))

    # Check if items are in the folder
    if not items:
        print("No items found in the root folder.")
        # Print details of all items in the folder
        for item in items:
            print(f"Item: {} (Type: {item.type}, ID: {})")

except BoxAPIException as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

print("end script")

And I’m getting this output:

Accessing folder: All Files (ID: 0)
Total item count in folder: 0
No items found in the root folder.
end script

What am I doing wrong?  The box account is full of tons of files.  I should get back something. How can I trouble shoot this?

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