@Jey Bueno Box - is there an API call will report document versions for all files in a manager user’s Box account? If not, is there an API call that will output all file versions for a selected managed user’s document?
Hi Sergio (@blueguero)
Welcome to Box Community!
Box provides API calls to manage and interact with files, including versioning. However, there isn’t a single API call that reports or retrieves document versions for all files in a managed user’s account directly.
To get the versions of all files for a specific managed user, you would typically follow these steps:
List all file versions: https://developer.box.com/reference/get-files-id-versions/ - This call retrieves a list of the past versions for a file.
Get file version: https://developer.box.com/reference/get-files-id-versions-id/ - This is to retrieve a specific version of a file.
You can always visit API reference regarding concerns related to API.