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We’ve been using the Python SDK to run a nightly job that gives us a list of all the files (and some metadata) in our account.

That job historically took about 30 minutes to complete, recursively going through all the directories, etc. As of a few days ago (11/5), though, it suddenly doubled in length, even though the number of files/folders in our account hadn’t changed.

So two questions:

  1. Has anyone else noticed anything similar over the last few days?

  2. Is there a better/different way to get to that data?

Our current function looks something like this:

def get_recursive_files(settings, client, folder_id, path_prefix=None):

file_list = t]

folder = client.folder(folder_id).get()

for item in folder.get_items():

if item.type == 'folder':

file_list += get_recursive_files(settings, client,, path_prefix)


file = item.get(fields=l'id', 'name', 'created_by', 'created_at', 'modified_by', 'modified_at', 'path_collection', 'version_number'])

file_path = '/'.join( for e in file.path_collectiont'entries']])

if path_prefix is not None:

if file_path.startswith(path_prefix):

file_path = file_pathplen(path_prefix):]

if file_path.startswith('/'):

file_path = file_pathp1:]

created_by = f'{} <{file.created_by.login}>' if != "Anonymous User" else f'{}'

modified_by = f'{} <{file.modified_by.login}>' if != "Anonymous User" else f'{}'

f_dict = {



'created_by': created_by,

'created_at': file.created_at,

'modified_by': modified_by,

'modified_at': file.modified_at,

'file_path': file_path,

'url': f'/file/{}',

'version_number': file.version_number,

'folder_id': folder_id



return file_list

Hi Justin (@user120), welcome to the forum.

This is interesting.

Last week there were a few issues reported with Box.

I’m wondering if this situation is consistent, let us know if so, one way or the other.

In the mean time, I’ll convert this into a support case, so the IT folks can follow up with you.

Best regards
