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Rust client for Box Platform released

Rust client for Box Platform released
rbarbosa Box

Following up with the Rusty Box: Creating a Rust client for a hackathon, we have released a crate with an initial implementation of the users API end points.


You can find the crate here.

You can follow up and participate in this open source project at this GitHub repo.

If you want to try it:

Create a new rust project

cargo new my-box-project

cd my-box-project

Add rusty-box to your dependencies

cargo add dotenv

cargo add rusty-box

Create a .dev.env file in the root of your project


Open your file and add the following code

use rusty_box::{

    auth::{auth_developer::DeveloperToken, AuthError},





use std::env;


async fn main() -> Result<(), AuthError> {


    let config = Config::new();

    let auth = DeveloperToken::new(


        env::var("DEVELOPER_TOKEN").expect("DEVELOPER_TOKEN must be set"),


    let mut client = BoxClient::new(Box::new(auth.clone()));

    let fields = vec![];

    let me = users_api::me(&mut client, Some(fields)).await?;




Run your project

cargo run

Have fun!

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