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I am trying to query files based on their metadata template that contain an ampersand ex: “A/7-8&9/389-399” using node box sdk metadata query method but it does not return values. It matches other values that do not have ampersand. Is there a way to handle special characters when trying to query them.

I notice it works only if the query is setup as shown below

       var from = 'enterprise_someid.somekey',

ancestorFolderId = 'somefolderid',

options = {

query : "DocumentId ILIKE :arg1 OR bookAndPageNumber = :arg2",

query_params: {

arg1: '%' + params + '%',

arg2: params


limit: 10


type or paste code here

If i include the pattern matching operation it does not work

        var from = 'enterprise_someid.somekey',

ancestorFolderId = 'somefolderid',

options = {

query : "DocumentId ILIKE :arg1 OR bookAndPageNumber ILIKE :arg2",

query_params: {

arg1: '%' + params + '%',

arg2: '%' + params + '%'


limit: 10,



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