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Hi everyone. I’, relatively new in React and I’ve just started working with Box integration. I managed to use Box by referencing the versions available on Box's CDN ( But, I have the requirement to use it as a NPM package. I’m using React and when I try to install the box-ui-elements and use it, I get the error 

00:30:52 0vite] error while updating dependencies:
Error: Build failed with 3 errors:
node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/content-preview/ContentPreview.js:51:26: ERROR: No matching export in "node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/common/annotator-context/index.js" for import "WithAnnotationsProps"
node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/content-preview/ContentPreview.js:51:70: ERROR: No matching export in "node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/common/annotator-context/index.js" for import "WithAnnotatorContextProps"
node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/content-sidebar/ActivitySidebar.js:26:9: ERROR: No matching export in "node_modules/box-ui-elements/es/elements/common/annotator-context/index.js" for import "WithAnnotatorContextProps"
    at failureErrorWithLog (C:\Users\Vd88\Documents\Projects\BoxContentPreview\box-content-preview-demo\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:1472:15)
    at C:\Users\Vd88\Documents\Projects\BoxContentPreview\box-content-preview-demo\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:945:25
    at C:\Users\Vd88\Documents\Projects\BoxContentPreview\box-content-preview-demo\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:1353:9
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)


Maybe I’m doing something wrong, maybe this issue is trivial for resolving, but I still haven’t found a way to overcome this.

I have found similar questions (like this one) and sample codes (like this one, but I still haven’t found the solution for my issue.

This is my code:

import "./App.css";
import ContentPreview from "box-ui-elements/es/elements/content-preview";
import IntlProvider from "react-intl";

function App() {
return (
<IntlProvider locale="en">
detailsSidebarProps: {
hasAccessStats: true,
hasClassification: true,
hasNotices: true,
hasProperties: true,
hasRetentionPolicy: true,
hasVersions: true,
features: FEATURES,
hasActivityFeed: true,
hasMetadata: true,
hasSkills: true,
hasVersions: true,

And this is a code for the whole sample project:


Can someone help me with this? 

Thanks in advance.

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