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I created app as “OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Grant (Server Authentication)” and used below python code to get the access token and get a folder info.

Im able to get the access token but when I try to get the folder information i get this error

{‘type’: ‘error’, ‘status’: 404, ‘code’: ‘not_found’, ‘context_info’: {‘errors’: c{‘reason’: ‘invalid_parameter’, ‘name’: ‘folder’, ‘message’: “Invalid value ‘d_232374452899’. ‘folder’ with value ‘d_232374452899’ not found”}]}, ‘help_url’: ‘’, ‘message’: ‘Not Found’, ‘request_id’: ‘5el5t3hj87nd3i9z’}

can any one please help me resolve this error?

here is my python code

here is my python code

import requests

from boxsdk import Client, OAuth2

CLIENT_ID = '***************'

CLIENT_SECRET = '*************'


# Define the payload for the authentication request

payload = {

'grant_type': 'client_credentials',

'client_id': CLIENT_ID,

'client_secret': CLIENT_SECRET,

'box_subject_type': 'enterprise', # Add the appropriate subject type here,



# Make a POST request to the authorization URL with the headers

response =, data=payload)

# Extract the access token from the response

if response.status_code == 200:

access_token = response.json()['access_token']

print(f'Access Token: {access_token}')


print(f'Failed to retrieve access token. Status code: {response.status_code}, Error: {response.text}')

BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = access_token

# # Define your folder ID

FOLDER_ID = "232374452899"

# Make a request to the Box API to get the list of items in the folder

response = requests.get(


headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN}"}



Hi @DCuser122 , welcome to the forum!

Most likely the service account associated with the CCG authentication, does not have access to the folder.

Have you tried the as-user option and pass the user id of the folder owner?

The are several options to solve this, let us know your use case.


Thank you @rbarbosa !

I tried this but i get the same error. I’m a collaborator to the app.

# Define the user ID for the 'As-User' header

user_id = '29554489963'

# Define the headers including the 'As-User' header

headers = {

'as-user': user_id


# Make a POST request to the authorization URL with the headers

response =, data=payload, headers=headers)

# Extract the access token from the response

if response.status_code == 200:

access_token = response.json()('access_token']

print(f'Access Token: {access_token}')


print(f'Failed to retrieve access token. Status code: {response.status_code}, Error: {response.text}')

@rbarbosa my use case is

we have a enterprise box account and need to download most recent excel file from a folder every week.

To do this, I have created a custom app “OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Grant (Server Authentication)” setting and added my account a collaborator.

Please let me if you need any other details.

Looking forward to your response to fix this problem.


Hi @DCuser122

Let me try to illustrate what I mean by permission issue.

As a user I’ve created a folder and put some files in there:

Notice the url with the folder id.

Now consider this python script:

"""sample to illustrate service account access to box content"""

import logging

from boxsdk import CCGAuth, Client

from boxsdk.exception import BoxAPIException



CLIENT_ID = "h5...qi"


ENTERPRISE_ID = "877840855"

USER_ID = "18622116055"

FOLDER_ID = "232513398018"

def get_box_client(user_id: str = None, enterprise_id: str = ENTERPRISE_ID):

"""get a box client with a service account"""

auth = CCGAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, user=user_id, enterprise_id=enterprise_id)

client = Client(auth)

return client

def folder_content(client: Client, folder_id: str = "0"):

"""get folder content"""


folder = client.folder(folder_id=folder_id).get()

except BoxAPIException as e:

if e.status == 404:

print(f"Folder {folder_id} not found\n")


print(f"Items in: {} {}")

print("-" * 80)

items = folder.get_items()

for item in items:

print(f"{item.type} {} {}")

print("-" * 80 + "\n")

def main():

# service account

client = get_box_client(None)

me = client.user().get()

print(f"Service account: {} {}")


print(f"Service account: {} {}")

folder_content(client, FOLDER_ID)

# as-user

user = client.user(USER_ID).get()

as_user_client = client.as_user(user)

me = as_user_client.user().get()

print(f"As-User account: {} {}")

folder_content(as_user_client, FOLDER_ID)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Note that USER_ID = "18622116055" is the owner of the folder, in this case me.

Now if you run this script it results in:

Service account: CCG 20706451735

Items in: All Files 0



Service account: CCG 20706451735

Folder 232513398018 not found

As-User account: Rui Barbosa 18622116055

Items in: Folder to store files 232513398018


file Sample A.docx 1345101805458

file Sample B.xlsx 1345083652268


Service account CCG has no files or folders shared (collaborated) with it. Listing the root folder FOLDER_ID=0 shows an empty list.

As expected listing FOLDER_ID = "232513398018" returns a 404 not found.

However, and still using the CCG enterprise client, I point the as-user to the owner of the folder, int this case USER_ID = "18622116055" I can list the folder content.

# as-user

user = client.user(USER_ID).get()

as_user_client = client.as_user(user)

me = as_user_client.user().get()

print(f"As-User account: {} {}")

folder_content(as_user_client, FOLDER_ID)

Resulting in:

As-User account: Rui Barbosa 18622116055

Items in: Folder to store files 232513398018


file Sample A.docx 1345101805458

file Sample B.xlsx 1345083652268


To do this you need to have your CCG app configured as follows:

App Access Level: App+Enterprise Access

Application Scopes: At least Manage users

Advanced Features: Make API calls using the as-user header

If you make changes to these remember to reauthorize your app, so changes take effect:

And then approve them in the admin console:

Let us know if this solves the issue.


@rbarbosa Thank you so much! It worked.

The problem was I didn’t submit the app for re-auth for authorization. After reauth it worked.

I have another question, how do i get last modified file from your code.

def folder_content(client: Client, folder_id: str = "0"):

"""get folder content"""


folder = client.folder(folder_id=folder_id).get()

except BoxAPIException as e:

if e.status == 404:

print(f"Folder {folder_id} not found\n")


print(f"Items in: {} {}")

print("-" * 80)

items = folder.get_items()

for item in items:

print(f"{item.type} {} {}")

print("-" * 80 + "\n")


The folder.get_items returns few details and several object types, like file, folder, and weblink

So we have to do this in 3 steps:

  • From the items grab only files

  • For each item representing a file, grab the details, which includes the modified at

  • Sort that list

Consider this method:

def files_in_folder(client: Client, folder_id: str = "0"):


folder = client.folder(folder_id=folder_id).get()

except BoxAPIException as e:

if e.status == 404:

print(f"Folder {folder_id} not found\n")


print(f"Items in: {} {}")

print("-" * 80)

# grab the items in the folder

items = folder.get_items()

# filter out the files and get their details

files = [item.get() for item in items if item.type == "file"]

# sort the files by modified date

files.sort(key=lambda x: x.modified_at, reverse=True)

# print the files

for file in files:

# file = file.get()

print(f"{file.type} {file.modified_at} ({}) {} ")

# get the newest file

newest_file = files[0]

print(f"\nNewest file:{file.modified_at} {} {}")

Modifying the main method:

def main():

# service account

client = get_box_client(None)

# me = client.user().get()

# print(f"Service account: {} {}")

# folder_content(client)

# print(f"Service account: {} {}")

# folder_content(client, FOLDER_ID)

# as-user

user = client.user(USER_ID).get()

as_user_client = client.as_user(user)

me = as_user_client.user().get()

print(f"As-User account: {} {}")

files_in_folder(as_user_client, "165803865043")

Results in:

As-User account: Rui Barbosa 18622116055

Items in: Preview Samples 165803865043


file 2023-05-17T06:50:27-07:00 (1216393081021) BoxAPISingDemoDoc (1) (2).pdf

file 2023-03-06T11:30:16-08:00 (974225001875)

file 2023-03-06T11:23:12-08:00 (974207525964) Audio_renamed.mp3

file 2022-08-17T07:28:54-07:00 (997819641379) mov_bbb.mp4

file 2022-08-16T14:53:38-07:00 (997509657533) BoxAPISingDemoDoc (1) (1).pdf

file 2022-06-21T14:01:14-07:00 (974226696777) BoxAPISingDemoDoc (1).pdf

file 2022-06-21T13:55:01-07:00 (974229112148) Single Page.docx

file 2022-06-21T13:55:00-07:00 (974225083627) JSON.json

file 2022-06-21T13:55:00-07:00 (974225084827) Preview SDK Sample Excel.xlsx

file 2022-06-21T13:54:59-07:00 (974228631587) Document (Powerpoint).pptx

file 2022-06-21T13:54:59-07:00 (974209854641) HTML.html

file 2022-06-21T13:54:59-07:00 (974227441126) JS-Small.js

Newest file: BoxAPISingDemoDoc (1) (2).pdf 1216393081021

Not sure if time zones are important in this situation, but consider them.

Let us know if this works for you.


@rbarbosa Thank you so much for your time!! It works.
