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I’d like to make a request to have the dll in Nuget package signed by Box. The package itself is signed, but Box.V2.dll.

Microsoft is introducing Smart App Control and having dlls signed gets more important.

Hi @bbenoe , welcome to the forum.

Thanks for spotting thta, let me ping the SDK folks.


Hi @bbnoe

You’re right. Currently our dlls are not digitally signed (e.g. with tools like signtool). Only our Box.V2 is strong assembly signed, but that’s a different thing. It’s not on our roadmap currently, but if you would like to see our dlls digitally signed, please consider opening an github issue in our repository - GitHub - box/box-windows-sdk-v2: Windows SDK for v2 of the Box API. The SDK is built upon .NET Framework 4.5. If you do, please provide a detailed description of the problem you encountered.

Also, please consider using our new generated SDK in the future GitHub - box/box-dotnet-sdk-gen: Repository for Box .NET autogenerated SDK as this is currently the main focus of our team. Nuget package for it should be published in the upcoming weeks.



Hi Mateusz,

Thank you for investigating the report.
