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Hi! im a new member. I have some questions:

When i create an app, i see enterpriseid equal to 0? how do i have enterpriseid without 0.

And i dont see Authorization tab like the docs.(

I want to use box-node-sdk to download file without limitation time login. for now i see it limited 60 mins with Developer Token.

Is there a way to authorize without a time limit ( im using box-node-sdk)? It seems that authorizing with enterprise will not limit it, I’m not sure. If there is a limit, it will only be limited to a few days?

thank you.


You would need to signup for a free developer account. You can do that here. The email you use must be unique across all of Box.



thank for your reply. @ smartoneinok

i already had an account before creating this thread. and i can go to developers console screen.

But i still dont have enterpriseid

and how about these questions:

And i dont see Authorization tab like the docs.(

I want to use box-node-sdk to download file without limitation time login. for now i see it limited 60 mins with Developer Token.

Is there a way to authorize without a time limit ( im using box-node-sdk)? It seems that authorizing with enterprise will not limit it, I’m not sure. If there is a limit, it will only be limited to a few days?
