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As the company uploads more zip files to help with document containment, it makes it harder to find individual files.  Is there a way for Box to index file names within the archive folder?  I know that if we click on an archive, it will preview the contents of the file, but that isn’t going to work long term as the number of archive files grow.  I am only looking to index file names, not the content at this point.

Hi @mpelillo 👋 Welcome to our community!

Currently, Box does not have the capability to directly index file names within the archive folder. You may share this idea to our Product Team through Box Pulse for possible consideration and implementation in the future.

For the time being, you may consider the following approach:

  • Create a separate index document or spreadsheet where you list all the file names contained in each zip file. This will allow you to easily search and locate specific files without having to open each individual archive.
  • Extract the files from the ZIP archive and upload them individually to Box. This way, Box will be able to index and search for the file names effectively.
  • If possible, reconsider how ZIP files are organized. If each ZIP file is only used for specific projects or categories, organizing them into appropriately named folders or using a naming convention could help make navigation and searching easier.

Hope this helps! Feel free to comment here if you have other related inquiries. 🤗

The documents in question are coming from our integration of Box and SF.  Asking the 50users to generate the index document isn’t feasible as a solution.  We could unzip, but some of the zip files are only a couple of documents and others are entire design projects of hundreds of files that are provided by customers, so that isn’t feasible either.


I will have to explore alternative options.

Hi @mpelillo Thanks for sharing your insights and we’ll definitely consider this feedback. I understand that requesting several users to generate the index document isn’t practical, and unzipping the files isn't a viable option for you given the varying sizes of the zip files.

I appreciate your efforts in exploring alternative solutions.

If you need further assistance, have questions about Box integrations with SF, or any other concerns that will require technical support, please do not hesitate to submit a ticket by visiting our Support page.

Have a good one! ✨
