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CLI installation

and command line

Box login -n example_name > error as below

How can I solve this error?

Redirect URI = http://localhost:3000/callback

client id and client secret may be correct.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Show Error Details

Hi @user155 , welcome to the forum

Please check your application configurations especially the redirect url, the configurations in the cli must match the app in the developer console.

Also there is a great guide on this subject, take a look here:


Hello Rbarbosa

I’d just followed the guidance as you attached URL


Does the redirect URL on that screen match the application configurations?

You can check in your app development console.

For example in mine:

There’s no REDIRECT URIs field on my configuration screen. Any feedback on this?

Hi, I am running into this issue as well. I followed the steps to use the CLI but apparently I need to change some redirect URL. There is no option in my app settings to change the redirect URI. This is blocking me as a customer of box from automating important workflows.
