I have created a box custom-app, with web integration and configured it as per the documentation.
I can see my integrations in the context menu of files/folders and it is working as expected. However, the integration is not visible to other users.
attached are the screenshots of my custom application and web-integration configurations.
I can see the application with status as enabled., in “My Apps” in developer console.
I have added another developer as a collaborator. He still can’t see the web-integrations.
Web Integration configurations
Integration status is set to Online (Visible for all users)
In the Admin console., I have added the application using “ClientID” and it shows as enabled in the “User Authenticated Apps” list. But, still not available for any other users.
In Box Cloud, When I try to search for Apps and My Apps, I can the application listed. But for other users, this is not available.
This issue blocks my development and testing of box integration. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Sarin