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I’m using a free personal BOX account, and I’m trying to connect to a JWT BOX app through a aws EC2 instance of Ubuntu. I’ve configured my JWT app, created the public and private key, and run “box:configure:environments:add njson path file]” on my server. I then tried to run “box users” to see if I’m connected with my app, but that resulted in the error: “Auth Error: Please check the ‘sub’ claim. The ‘sub’ specified is invalid. 400 Bad Request] invalid_grant - Please check the ‘sub’ claim. The ‘sub’ specified is invalid.” Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks!

Hi @nihal_ve ,

Welcome to the forum.

Free personal accounts only support OAuth applications, however Free Developer accounts support OAuth, JWT, and CCG.

You can get a Free developer account here.

Both CCG and JWT applications have to be authorized by the Box account administrator, to which your account does not have access. This admin console will be enabled on the free developer account.

Check out the steps for JWT and CCG on authorizing a application.

Let us know if this helps
