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Box API 404 error sometimes

  • July 14, 2023
  • 1 reply

I am having some issues with an Apache Groovy script. When users run this script it sometimes returns this error - it fails at the line def subFolder = parentFolder.createFolder(subFolderName).getResource()

BoxAPIResponseException: The API returned an error code [404 | m75vwdhfthirxg8m.0155c36fdf223f6693c60b71343f0bfc6] not_found - Not Found

Exception chain:

ScriptException: The API returned an error code [404 | m75vwdhfthirxg8m.0155c36fdf223f6693c60b71343f0bfc6] not_found - Not Found

…caused by: BoxAPIResponseException: The API returned an error code [404 | m75vwdhfthirxg8m.0155c36fdf223f6693c60b71343f0bfc6] not_found - Not Found

Some users have found clearing their cache allows them to then run this script

The box folder has as an Editor

The file names are unique names and do not contain illegal characters

The parent folder exists

Here is the relevant code


def today = new Date();

def fileName = "Priority " + priority + " - Purchase Order Request - " + email.split(‘@’)[0] + " - " + supplier + " - " + today + " - " + po_key + “.txt”;

def folderId = “123”

def subFolderName = fileName

def parentFolder = new BoxFolder(Box.getClient(), folderId)

def subFolder = parentFolder.createFolder(subFolderName).getResource()

subFolderId = subFolder.getID()

1 reply

smartoneinok Box
  • Senior Developer Advocate
  • 181 replies
  • September 15, 2023

Hello, 👋

The not found error typically occurs when the user making the API call doesn’t have access to the underlying folder. Is the folder ID always the same for the parent folder or does it change each time the script runs?


Alex. Box Developer Advocate 🥑

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