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Upload documents using C# (.NET SDK) to 3rd party.

  • February 14, 2025
  • 0 replies


We have a need to upload documents to one of our clients.  The uploads will be done via a command line Windows app written in C# using the Box .NET SDK.  We have this already in place for 2 other clients which I’ve done by creating a Platform App for each client.  Each Platform App uses the OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Grant (Client Id and Client Secret) for authentication.  Following this pattern I created a Platform App for this new client and it’s awaiting Box Authorization.   However, I can’t find my notes on what needs to be done by the client once the Platform App is approved.  I believe something needs to be done with the Service Account ID once the App is approved, and they need also need to provide us with the ID of the folder in which we will be uploading documents to but I don’t remember the steps that were done for the other two clients.

Can you provide me with any guidance on what needs to be done and/or point me to the Box documentation that describes this process.  I surely can’t be the first person that needs to upload documents via the SDK to a 3rd party client.

Todd Fisher

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