Hi @Parla
Welcome to Box Community! Thanks for raising this concern and sorry to learn you encountered an issue accessing your account.
There are instances that if you initially signed up to Box via Google SSO, and you collaborate to other Box users that require a strong password, you will be needing to update or create a strong password to enhance security and continue accessing the shared contents. Check this article Requiring Strong Passwords for External Collaborators to learn more.
Have you already tried resetting the password (will also allow you to create a new and strong password) for your Box account by following this process?:
- Visit https://app.box.com/reset and enter the email address associated with your Box account.
- Check your email, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
- Password reset links sent via email expire 3 hours after they are sent. If you need a new link after your current one has expired, visit https://app.box.com/reset to have another link emailed to you.
- If you do not receive an email from Box for this password reset, check to see if your Box account is associated with that specific email address or another email address.
- Also, check your spam folder in your email client for this email.
For further assistance and troubleshooting regarding account access, you may reach out to our Product Support by submitting a support ticket.
I look forward for best results! 
Thank you Jey for your answers.
I already reset my password and created a strong password. Nevertheless, when I enter my email, system always automatically redirects me to Google SSO. I tried using incognito window and fresh browser to avoid cached data….
When I try to use the link for a support ticket, I only end up getting a page where I can come back to the community, hence couldn’t do it either….
Hello @Parla Thanks for bringing that up.
Can you please try again by logging in to your Box directly here: app.box.com/login? This should be using your email as username + the new strong password that you set up. In the event that it still did not work, kindly try registering a new password via app.box.com/reset.
Once you regained access, try to open the document that was shared to you. If you encountered an error, please reach out to the file/folder owner and request to send another invite to collaborate. It would also be best to have them checked your access level and collaboration settings.
Furthermore, if you still unable to login, please submit a support ticket so our Product Support can further investigate and assist you.
We appreciate your continued patience to resolve this matter.