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Python SDKGEN Upload

  • August 22, 2024
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  • New Participant
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Does anyone have some sample code to upload a file with Python SDKGEN? (nothing fancy, just an small file, so I don’t need multipart uploads, etc).  I see the following in the docs :

        name=get_uuid(), parent=UploadFileAttributesParentField(id="0")
    generate_byte_stream(1024 * 1024),

This seems overly complex and I’m not sure how to implement it. Do I really need the generate_bye_steam line? why? And am I supposed to import the UploadFileAttributes and UploadFileAttributesParentField functions and call them? Yuck. In the old SDK I just did this:

new_file = box_client.folder(OUTPUT_FOLDERID).upload(file_name)

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  • November 21, 2024

I spent an inordinate amount of time digging through the github repo and found `UploadFileAttributesParentField` and `UploadFileAttributes` in a `managers` module.

Once you have these functions imported you can use them in something like this:


import io
from box_sdk_gen.managers import UploadFileAttributes, UploadFileAttributesParentField
# other box_sdk_gen imports you may need...

def box_authentication():
   # code to authenticate

class BoxAPI:
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = box_authentication()

    # all your other functionality

    def upload_file(self, content, folder_id, filename):
        buffer = io.BytesIO()
        # code to write your content to the buffer, for example a DataFrame
        content.to_csv(buffer, index=False)

        uploaded_file = self.client.uploads.upload_file(
         return uploaded_file.entries[0].id

I’ve gotten this to work succesfully but something about diving into the libraries and parsing the response in this way (`uploaded_file.entries[0].id` seems very kludgy and documentation is non-existent beyond what you posted so I’m not sure if there is a “better” way or not?

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  • 3 replies
  • November 21, 2024

Agreed, I’m not sure why this got so much harder. I kinda liked:

new_file = box_client.folder(OUTPUT_FOLDERID).upload(file_name)

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