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Waterfall permissions - tree structure &

I have two questions on the Box waterfall permissions set-up:

  1. Users with limited access should still be able to see the tree structure

If I create a folder with subfolders, and only allow certain user categories access to certain subfolders, then these user categories will see the subfolder on their all files page (but not the main folder). I would like however that the tree structure “upstream” is visible to everyone.

For example: Main folder “HR”, with subfolder 1 “payroll” and subfolder 2 “firm activities”. Everyone will have access to subfolder 2 “firm activities”, but only the group management will also have access to subfolder 1 “payroll”. In this example, I would like everyone to be able to see that “firm activities” is a subfolder to “HR”, but not that there exists a subfolder 1 “payroll”. Is this possible? 

  1. Restrict content creation 

I would like users to be able to create new folders as of a certain level in the tree structure. For example, users cannot create new folders in main folders and subfolders (first two levels), but only as of the third level. Is this possible?

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