Below are some frequently asked questions about the Box for Salesforce integration:
🔶 What type of Salesforce license does Box for Salesforce support?
🔶 Does the Box interface support custom Salesforce objects?
🔶 If a user renames an opportunity folder on Box, what happens to Salesforce record?
🔶 What happens when a Lead is converted to an Opportunity?
🔶 Does Box for Salesforce support seamless logins?
🔶 What restrictions can an Admin place around Salesforce content in Box?
🔶 Is Salesforce Experience Cloud supported?
🔶 How can I customize the Box for Salesforce integration?
🔶 How do I uninstall Box for Salesforce?
Visit these articles to learn more:
🔹 Installing Box for Salesforce
🔹 Box for Salesforce Listing on the Salesforce AppExchange
🔹 Box for Salesforce Listing on the Box Apps Marketplace
Also check the community roundtables related to Box for Salesforce:
🔹 Community Roundtable highlights: Agentforce demo;Dreamforce recap:Getting started with Box and Salesforce
🔹 Community Roundtable Highlights: Getting started with Box and Salesforce Experience Cloud