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I have a customer that has Box integrated with mxHERO and Hubspot. They use mxHERO to take any attachments sent by customers and put them in Box, however this does not link them to the specific opportunity in Hubspot, only the contact that they were sent by. Is there an easy work around for this?



@DonHammons ​@sparkgridsoftware 

mxHERO is designed to automate email ingestion into Box - once placed into Box, exposure to boundary applications (eg Hubspot or otherwise) would be powered by Box API integration into those boundaries - so best to align to an SI or Box Consulting for the Box to Hubspot component in this regard.

Hi Katie!  We’ve actually written the integration for Box and HubSpot - would love to connect.

You can read about it here: 

@katiemcgee Box one other item pursuant to this inquiry is related to the email’s mapping to an OPPORTUNITY.  We can do that - as long as the email (at rest, inbound, or outbound) has the Opportunity Name or ID # within it (e.g. in the email attachment, email body, or email subject line).  mxHERO has native intelligence in that we can detect content ‘type’ such as Legal Case XXX, Project Number YYY, Opportunity Name AAA, Opportunity Number BBB, etc and with those rules in place, any pattern matches flowing within email - would be routed to the corresponding folder in Box.  With that done via mxHERO, the Box to Hubspot integration (by Team SparkGrid) can ensure enablement via their integration.  Hope that helps.
