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I am trying to get the some folder information from my box folder but when I am executing the code getting this error

“{“type”:“error”,“status”:404,“code”:“not_found”,“context_info”:{“errors”:c{“reason”:“invalid_parameter”,“name”:“item”,“message”:“Invalid value ‘d_167383943946’. ‘item’ with value ‘d_167383943946’ not found”}]},“help_url”:“”,“message”:“Not Found”,“request_id”:“dlcl7ahjegv6pt82”}”

I’ve even searched in the box support and found the same error ( Not able to get folder info using access token - SDKs & Tools / Python - Box Developer Community and followed the same but those guidelines mentioned in that chat is not supported by our organization. can anyone help me on this error.

Hi @user57 🙂

The 404 error could be due to a missing permission.

Can you check this page : ?

404 appears when the folder is not found, or when the user does not have access to the folder.

Can you check if the App user has access to the folder?


Hi @CodeBoxSeb

I’ve checked that folder, I’ve the editor access to that folder.
