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I want to do realtime sync once we do any changes on Box drive or account in both directions. The Sync happens automatically but I want the reference API to manage the sync in realtime before I perform other development or operations on Drive or

Please suggest to achieve this and what API are avaiable in Box Drive for the sync operation.

Hi @lokesh.kumar, welcome to the forum!

We don’t have an API to trigger an immediate sync to the desktop clients.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Best regards

Hi @rbarbosa, we are looking to perform an implementation of an automation on BOX drive but before that we want to ensure that it completely sync with the BOX at a particular time so that it do not create any data discrepancy.

As you said we do have a direct API to trigger an immediate sync, so to achieve the use case, can we determine the sync status or any related information once it sync with BOX at a particular instance once is completely sync with BOX?

I was going through some Events API. Can it provide that information related to the task? And which API does Box drive using to sync with BOX?

Thank you!

Hi @rbarbosa,

We are looking to perform an implementation of an automation on BOX drive but before that we want to ensure that it completely syncs with the BOX at a particular time so that it does not create any data discrepancy.

As you said we do have a direct API to trigger an immediate sync, so to achieve the use case, can we determine the sync status or any related information once it syncs with BOX at a particular instance once it is completely sync with BOX?

I was going through some Events API. Can it provide that information related to the task? And which API does Box drive using to sync with BOX?

Thank you!

With regards,Lokesh Kumar

@rbarbosa , can you please share updated inputs on the above requirement?

Thank you!

Hi @lokesh.kumar ,

Perhaps the events stream can help you identify changes made in box.

Take a look at these for some ideas:
