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I have a new Box account. I created a new Box app from the developer console to process files stored in Box using a Python script. But the app_user_auth.authenticate_user() step is failing with below error

**BoxOAuthException**: Message: Please check the 'sub' claim. The 'sub' specified is invalid. 

Status: 400


Method: POST

My python code looks like below

from boxsdk import JWTAuth, Client

import json

with open('./settings_config.json','r') as file:

config_json = json.load(file)

auth = JWTAuth.from_settings_dictionary(config_json)

service_account_client = Client(auth)

app_user = service_account_client.user(user_id='xxxx')

app_user_auth = JWTAuth(





rsa_private_key_data= config_json['boxAppSettings']['appAuth']['privateKey'],





app_user_client = Client(app_user_auth)

and my settings_config json file looks like this


"boxAppSettings": {

"clientID": "xxxxxxxxx",

"clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxx",

"appAuth": {

"publicKeyID": "xxxxxxx",

"privateKey": "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- xxxxxxxxx",

"passphrase": "xxxxxx"



"enterpriseID": "xxxxx"


Please help me with a resolution. I have a valid enterprise ID here as I am using my employer’s account.

Hello 👋,

You might double check via the information on this page. I think you are missing the box_sub_type variable.


Alex, Box Developer Advocate 🥑

Sorry, I wasnt able to follow that. Is there a reason why you suggested me to look at “JWT without SDKs”? I had been trying to authenticate using “JWT with SDKs” all this while. Do you have any sample python script on how to read the folders in Box if I use “JWT without SDKs” for authentication?

my apologies. you are right! Normally when I see the sub error its due to some issue when coding without using the sdks.

do you mind sharing the client id with me?

No problem. The ID is eier6omdhmug8wz0in9i3i4ziza8ye8k

I will test out your code locally and see if I get anything different. I’ll report my results after I finish.

I have same problem statement. My request fails with {‘error’: ‘invalid_grant’,

‘error_description’: "Please check the ‘sub’ claim. The ‘sub’ specified is "

‘invalid.’} My enterprise ID is zero.

Hi rajeev2186,

In order to use applications with authentication types other than OAuth 2.0, you’d need to have a paid enterprise account. Free accounts do not have access to other authentication methods. We are working on launching our new free devleoper accounts in the near future.



Hi @Joy

From a python and Box SDK perspective, your code works flawlessly, so it must be permission, @smartoneinok is following up with you.

I just wanted to give you a tip relative to the construction of the JWTAuth.

You do not need to build it manually just to use an user.

If you need to authenticate a user from a JWTAuth object, you can re-use the settings, and just call the .authenticate_user(xyx) passing either a user_id or a User object.

Consider this sample:

""" Demo on using user identification on a JWT application"""

from typing import Union

from boxsdk import JWTAuth, Client

from boxsdk.object.user import User

USER_ID = "18622116055"

APP_USER_ID = "29599235430"

def get_client_user(user: [Union[str, "User"]]) -> Client:

"""Get client user"""

auth = JWTAuth.from_settings_file(".config.json")


return Client(auth)

def get_client_enterprise() -> Client:

"""Get client enterprise"""

auth = JWTAuth.from_settings_file(".config.json")

# auth.authenticate_instance() # by default it authenticates the enterprise

return Client(auth)

def main():

client_enterprise = get_client_enterprise()

me = client_enterprise.user(user_id="me").get()

print(f"Service Account: {} {} {me.login}")

client_user = get_client_user(USER_ID)

me = client_user.user(user_id="me").get()

print(f"User Account: {} {} {me.login}")

app_user = client_enterprise.user(user_id=APP_USER_ID).get()

client_user_app = get_client_user(app_user)

me = client_user_app.user(user_id="me").get()

print(f"App User Account: {} {} {me.login}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Results in:

Service Account: 20344589936 UI-Elements-Sample

User Account: 18622116055 Rui Barbosa

App User Account: 29599235430 Test APP User


Thank you for all the replies. The fix was simple. I shouldnt be using both Service account and app user to authenticate. The sample available in Git might have misled me.

from boxsdk import JWTAuth, Client

auth = JWTAuth.from_settings_file('./settings_config.json')

service_account_client = Client(auth)

The above code helped me connect to Box and see the folders and files as an enterprise user. The below code was NOT necessary.

app_user = service_account_client.user(user_id='xxxx')

app_user_auth = JWTAuth(





rsa_private_key_data= config_json['boxAppSettings']['appAuth']['privateKey'],





app_user_client = Client(app_user_auth)

Thanks for reporting back! I thought we tried that on the phone yesterday? Did you change something else after?

Yes, We tried that yesterday but for some reason it didnt work. I created a new python environment and reinstalled the boxsdk library, after that service account client authentication worked just fine (but not mix of both authentications).
