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Introducing Shared Signature Requests in Box Sign!

Scott Picanco Box
Shared Signature Requests enables users to view, revise, and perform multiple actions on signature requests sent by other users

We are incredibly excited to announce Shared Signature Requests in Box Sign, available for customers on Business Plans and above! This new feature provides organizations with the ability to enable their team members to collaborate and share their sent signature requests in Box Sign with other managed users, allowing them to revise, cancel, delete, send reminders, and perform multiple actions on those signature requests.

By enabling teams to share signature requests with their peers customers have the ability to:

  • Collaborate of signature requests and e-signed content, enabling users to gain access to important documents included in requests sent by other users.
  • Provide a more efficient signature request experience for both senders and signers by increasing signature request completion rates.
  • Avoid time-consuming tasks , like chasing down other users and requesting updates on critical business processes that impact important milestones and deadlines.

With Shared Signature Requests in Box Sign:

  • Users can now collaborate on sent signatures requests listed in a new ‘Shared with Me’ tab within the Box Sign home page.
  • Within the ‘Shared with Me’ tab users will find all signature requests initiated after the January 23, 2025 release date that were shared with them by their colleagues. Depending on the permission configured for the save location folder, users will be able to perform different actions on requests sent by their team members. 
  • Saving a signature request in a shared folder allows all users with “viewer” or “editor” permissions to the file/folder to view or co-manage a signature request.
Users will have access to different actions on shared requests depending on their permissions configured within the save location folder 

At least one of the following conditions must be met in order for users to view/modify signature requests that are sent by other users within the same account:

  • Users will need to be invited as collaborators within the save location folder of a signature request.
  • Users will need to be invited as collaborators within the duplicate PDF file(s) that is created from the source file(s) when a signature request is initiated.

If a user is added as a ‘Viewer Uploaded’ within the save location folder or a 'Viewer' within the save location folder or duplicate file of a signature request, they can:

  • Send reminders
  • Save a signature request as a reusable template
  • Download the files within a signature request

If the user is added as an ‘Owner’ or ‘Co-Owner’ on the save location folder or an 'Editor' on the save location folder or duplicate file of a signature request, they can perform all the actions of a 'Viewer' as well as the following actions: 

  • Revise, cancel, or delete a signature request

Permissions can be configured natively within Box before or after a signature request is initiated, as well as after the signature request is completed, in order for the request to be shared with other users.

You can learn more about Shared Signature Requests in Box Sign by leveraging the resources below:

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