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I have a server side application which needs to upload files to box

I have it set up with Client Credentials Grant and using the OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Grant (Server Authentication)

But when I try to make the curl request with Client ID kox474mes4cugrj929i4kh5enokukmlt

I get the Grant credentials are invalid. Looking around, it seems to be related to a recent change where custom apps are not immediately approved. This is for a free account while we are trying to get it set up and working.

Hi @dkimura ,

Looks like your application is not authorized…

In the developer console, for your application, under the authorization tab, submit your app for review:

Then on the administrator console, in apps, under the custom apps manager, authorize your app:

Let us know if this worked.


There doesn’t seem to be an Authorization tab for me to click on.

Hi @dkimura ,

I see what is happening here.

You either have a free account or a basic account, that does not include the administration console necessary to approve the app.

We do have a free developer account you can use, otherwise you’re stuck with OAuth 2.0 client side authentication.

Help me understand if this account is something you are using just for testing and it is ok to create a new free developer account for your testing.

If not we can try a few other workarounds.

Let us know

Best regards

The account is one that is being used to store documents outside of a testing environment. If we need to sign up for an account outside of a free/basic account, which plan gives the appropriate access that we can create our integration?

We don’t need to store many documents as most of our integration is to shared folders that clients has given us links to. So, ideally we’d stay on the Free or Basic account.

