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We have a list of 7826 files in a .csv document that we need to create a shared link for in bulk, and then send an individual public link out to each person. our internal employee hopes to have this done by tomorrow (very last minute request, but for a very important external client).

Hi @MrHamblin , welcome to the forum!

Not sure what your preferences would be, but this can be accomplished by using the Box CLI or the SDKs, perhaps a python script.

Using a macOS terminal:

❯ box files:share --help

Create a shared link for a file


$ box files:share ID


ID ID of the file to share


-h, --help Show CLI help

-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr

-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk

-t, --token=token Provide a token to perform this call

-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging

-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts

--access=access Shared link access level

--as-user=as-user Provide an ID for a user

--bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path File path to bulk .csv or .json objects

---no-]can-download Whether the shared link allows downloads

---no-]can-edit Whether the shared link allows edits. Only Applicable for


--csv Output formatted CSV

--fields=fields Comma separated list of fields to show

--json Output formatted JSON

--no-color Turn off colors for logging

--password=password Shared link password

--save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path Override default file path to save report

--unshared-at=unshared-at Time that this link will become disabled. Use s for seconds,

m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks, M for

months. For example, 30 seconds is 30s from now.


$ box files:shared-links:create

$ box files:shared-links:update


box files:share 11111 --access company

Let us know if this helps.

There is also this article with a similar use case:
