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Thanks to our EMEA customers Stephanie Nowland, Metropolitan Police, and @Vincent Trousseau Oxfam, for yesterdays insights on driving adoption. Also thanks to @Mark Lomeli - Box  @GabrielatBox and James Davies from our EMEA team and our customer guests.


Highlights. Recording here


0 mins - Introduction to the panel

1 min - Moving from implementation to adoption

3 mins 19 secs - How do you measure value from your Box investment

23 mins 33 secs - How often do you communicate value to the business?

27 mins 54 secs - Adoption challenges

37 mins 20 secs - Measuring Adoption on an ongoing basis

51 mins 20 secs - Wrap up

A very insightful discussion. It was good to have some of my thinking validated around how companies measure value, how much time they dedicate to driving adoption and what some of their key challenges are. Some surprises too so thanks to all for sharing your insights. Given how broad the topic is we will look into breaking it down into specific themes for future roundtable discussions so we can dig deeper into various challenges and hopefully share some best practice and new perspectives. 


If any of our Community members would like to discuss any of the items mentioned in more detail please add to this thread or reach out directly.   
