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I am using Box CLI Box folders:download in GitHub Actions, and I want to download it to a specific path. When I trigger action, it downloads it to C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Box-Downloads

I can’t believe this is not already thought off - maybe I am missing something but I couldn’t find the flag for this in

thank you


How to achieve this?

I figured it out… --destination=.

It was right there in front of me… haha 😃

Hi there @LaithD

incorrect answer removed by author

I’ll marks your post as answer


My use is to download a folder with subfolders. I didn’t try the --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path as it is related to “report” - wasn’t sure if reports is meant to be the status of the transaction.

Box offers great feature(s) but I do find it difficult to understand your documentation(s) often vague in meaning.

Hi @LaithD ,

And neither did I apparently 🙂 , nor I saw your reply in the mean time.

I’m going to remove my answer since it is incorrect.

I agree with you Laith, and it is this type of much appreciated feedback, that allows us to improve.

So thank you for your inputs, keep them coming.

