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Hello Box developer community,

I hope you are all doing well.

I have a problem when I’m creating a new application.

Now I’m trying to use API to upload my file from local to BOX but I can’t find the Authorization Tab.

The plan I’m using is basic personal plan.

Could anyone tell me how can I authorize my aplication?

Hi @JWillardleo, welcome to the forum!

Let’s start simple, can you access your developer console inside the app?


Let us know


Thank you for your sincere response.

Now I’m in my developer console and I have created 3 aplications .

And I can see the details of my applications.

The problem is that according to the guidance I may authorize my applications but unfortunely I can’t find the authorization tab in my application.

There are only three tabs (General settings,Configuration,App Diagnositics)

Hi @JWillardleo ,

So, it look like you’re using a free developer account.

We had some limitations being imposed, so at the moment it only supports OAuth 2.0

You can read more details about this:

Engineering and our security folks are telling us this will be back very soon.

However, in the mean time, can you send me the client id of one of your applications?


PS: for OAuth you do not need to authorize the app, this is only required if your are using CCG or JWT apps
