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I want to call [API:2.0/recent_items] by postman.

but error 403 is populated.

used token is ok. because I used the token to called [API: 2.0/files/id ] and successful response.

when use same the token to call [API:2.0/recent_items] ,it is error 403.

how to solve it ?


Hi @user233 , welcome to the forum!

That is odd, and you are not providing much information to help diagnose the issue.

I can duplicate this by trying to guess, so here it goes.

The recent end point will only work if it has a user security context, as opposed to a service account, because only users have recent entries.

Consider an application setup as CCG, and using the enterprise id:

curl --location '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer VK...JD'

I get a 403.

The same application using a user:

curl --location '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer lg...JW'



"next_marker": "",

"limit": 100,

"order": {

"by": "interacted_at",

"direction": "DESC"


"entries": [...many entries...]


Let us know if this helps

thanks a lot . you are right.
