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I want to turn off emailing notices of Box comments at the Folder level. In other words, I want to use Box comments and I want collaborators to use comments too. But I do not want the Box comments to be sent by email notifications. I know how to turn off Box comments for myself, but I want to control all comments on this specific folder.


Thank you for your help, 


Hi ​@KathyS👋 Welcome to the Box Community!


The email notification system allows our users to stay up-to-date on the work they’re involved in. Currently, it lets you configure the actions you’ll be notified about and how you want to be notified.

While you can configure folder-specific email notifications based on your preferences, this will not impact the settings of other users or collaborators. If you'd like this feature, we encourage you to submit a request to Box Pulse. We are continually evaluating our users' needs and this will help us shape the future of Box.

Meanwhile, you can check these articles related to emai notifications:

Have a great day! 🤗
