I am using the create sign request API with the following body to create a sign request:
"external_id": "id",
"parent_folder": { "id": "1234", "type": "folder" },
"signers": [
{ "role": "signer", "email": "email@email.com" },
{ "role": "signer", "email": "email2@email.com" },
{ "role": "final_copy_reader", "email": "email2@email.com" }
"source_files": [ { "id": "12233", "type": "file" }, { "id": "54321", "type": "file" } ],
“is_document_preparation_needed”: true
The sign request successfully achieves the “Created” state. However, the prepare SR URL gives a 404 to the actual user, who is supposed to configure the SR before sending it out. I suspect this is happening because the service account is the actual owner of the SR.
My question is, how can I create an SR via API but assign an actual person as its owner?
Thank you.