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We are excited to introduce a new embedded signing experience, enabling developers to leverage the power of Box Sign within custom applications! Developers and users can now embed the Box Sign signing experience into their own custom applications without the need to navigate to Box Sign and back into their custom application to complete the signature process.

To integrate Box Sign experience within your own website, you need the iframeable_embed_url parameter that is specifically designed to allow signing documents within the HTML iframe tag.

A sample iframable_embed_url looks as follows:

To get the iframeable_embed_url pass the embed_url_external_user_id parameter for each signer when calling the create sign request endpoint. The returned response will contain a unique iframeable_embed_url for that signer.

To embed Sign features and make them available to the users, use the URL within the iframe tag:










For details on working with Box Embed, see this guide.

Box Embed uses the Cloud Game widget to prevent clickjacking. In this case, when the user wants to sign a document, they will have to interact with the widget and drag a cloud to the correct location before proceeding to document signing.

To learn more, see API Guides: Embedded Sign Client and API Reference Documentation: iFrame Embed URL.

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