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I am getting below error while trying to access the existing templates of Box Sign API.


    "type": "error",

    "code": "insufficient_scope",

    "status": 403,

    "message": "The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token.",

    "help_url": "",

    "request_id": "0a16c0b7baab4b0e5c0650bd171d679c7"


I am using a developer account with client id: jmhjt9o71zlh3k3crqycqcr9c4tsav9m and using client credentials for authorization.

I have checked all the application scope options available but still getting this error while trying invoke the Box Sign API’s.

Also, while trying to get the access token, if I give the box type as enterprise, I am able to generate the token but If i give the box type as user, I am getting “invalid_grant” error.

PS: I am a beginner, therefore it would be of great help if you give explain with proper details.

Hi @venky929 👋 Welcome to Box community!

This error is defined on our common errors where it’s typically produced when scopes that are needed for the API operation are not enabled. Kindly double check your configured application scopes and reauthorize your application, if applicable.

For the invalid_grant error, this can be resolved in Advanced Features > generate user access tokens > reauthorize the app in your Admin Console. Changing the subject type and ID would work, too. Related error about client credentials is documented here.

I look forward to have this sorted out! 🤗

Hi @JeyBueno Box ,

Thanks for the inputs. I tried to re-authorize the application but it is stuck at pending re-authorization. I created the developer account and therefore, I am the enterprise admin who is supposed to receive the email for approval. But, I am not getting any email.

Can you please help me with this.

Hello @venky929 ✨ Thanks for bringing that up and sorry to learn you have not received the email to re-authorize your app.

Please submit a ticket here to get in touch with our Product Support. They can check if your email is in suppression list and help you receive the email for approval. 🤗

I tried to create the application again by adjusting the scope and authorized the application. It worked. Thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for letting us know that adjusting the scope and authorizing the app resolved the issue 😎
