I am getting below error while trying to access the existing templates of Box Sign API.
"type": "error",
"code": "insufficient_scope",
"status": 403,
"message": "The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token.",
"help_url": "https://developer.box.com/guides/api-calls/permissions-and-errors/common-errors/",
"request_id": "0a16c0b7baab4b0e5c0650bd171d679c7"
I am using a developer account with client id: jmhjt9o71zlh3k3crqycqcr9c4tsav9m and using client credentials for authorization.
I have checked all the application scope options available but still getting this error while trying invoke the Box Sign API’s.
Also, while trying to get the access token, if I give the box type as enterprise, I am able to generate the token but If i give the box type as user, I am getting “invalid_grant” error.
PS: I am a beginner, therefore it would be of great help if you give explain with proper details.