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Dear Box Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. We are currently in the process of integrating Box API functionalities into our application. While we have successfully accessed sign requests through the Box API, we have encountered specific requirement that we are seeking clarification on:
Checking if a User Has Signed a Document: We need functionality in the Box API that allows us to determine whether a specific user has already signed a document. Unfortunately, We didn't find this functionality in the current Box API for sign requests. Are there alternative methods we could utilize?


I am not from Box Support, but I believe the quickest way to check if a user has signed a document is to use the "List user and enterprise events" endpoint to obtain sign events. The SIGN_DOCUMENT_SIGNED event should give you the Sign Request ID, User ID, User Email, and other relevant information.

Here are the references:

If you know the Sign Request ID you are looking for, you can also obtain this information from the "Get Box Sign request by ID" endpoint (under >signers].signer_decision).

The Sign Request ID (formatted as 11111111-2222-3333-aaaa-eeeeeeeeeeee) can be obtained from the returned value of the "Create Box Sign request" endpoint, from the "List Box Sign requests" endpoint, or from the sign events indicated above.

I hope this is helpful.
