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In this YouTube tutorial by Box , at minute 1:58, they demonstrate a popup modal with a Box Sign embedded. It seems that this isn’t an iframeable_embed_url because the Cloud Game widget doesn’t pop up. When I use the iframeable_embed_url in my own modal, upon a user signing, instead of the user being shown a screen that says “Finished. Thank you for completing the request” like is shown upon sign completion in the YouTube tutorial, the Cloud Game widget pops up again. When the user completes this game (for a second time now), they then see a blank screen. This makes for a poor user experience because the user has no indication of whether or not their sign was successful. Is it possible for me to embed the embed_url into my modal instead (seemingly like what is done in the tutorial)? It seems like if I do so, the user won’t have to deal with the Cloud Game and weird sign completion experience. If not, what must happen for the user to be shown the “Finished. Thank you for completing the request” screen upon signing from the iframeable_embed_url?


Hi @chriswill21 ,

I have not tested this personally, but that is next suggestion: To use the embedded URL on and IFrame you control.

As for the behavior you describe:

I not sure if it is because is a modal, but I would not expect that.

Would you mind opening a support ticket, I would love for the team to take a look at this.

Hi, @rbarbosa ,

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. It give me back a " refused to connect" error. I’ve posted on the support forum, here.

Hi @chriswill21

I did a little digging internally, and the cloud game starting instead of the finalizing screen is not expected at all.

It might take a while for the team to investigate and put this on their back log.

Would opening the sign page on a new browser tab or similar work for your use case?
