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We are trying to add a custom UI using the Box Content Explorer javascript library from the UI Elements SDK. The Box Content Explorer requires an auth token to authenticate. This must be the Salesforce user rather than a service account in our case so security and access is respected.

There does not appear to be a method to retrieve a user's auth token from the Salesforce toolkit. Looking outside the toolkit to the Salesforce SDK, there isn't an implementation of the OAuth user flow (this must be implemented by the application) and my understanding is that this would be an additional log in to the Box for Salesforce login.

I'm currently looking into using the toolkit to query a Box managed user's Id using the username from Salesforce and then getting a user token through a Client Credentials custom app. 

What is the best way to seamlessly integrate the Box for Salesforce toolkit with the Box UI Elements SDK so that there is a single authentication process?



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