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Box and Salesforce integration using Box for Salesforce.

When you create a record in Salesforce using Box for Salesforce, a folder is created on the Box side.

If you do not reference the Salesforce record at this time, the user will not be granted privileges to the Box folder.

Therefore, even if a folder is created, most users will have to go to Salesforce to see the corresponding record in order to access the folder.

Is there a better way to grant privileges without access to the records?

I tried Box tool kit createCollaboration and, but this one did not create a FRUP record and the Box for Salesforce delete batch did not work properly.

Folder and Collaborations outside of the folder to record mapping, are expected to be managed manually.

We can only manage known things. If you have system of rules for sharing for box users and not SF users relay or box skills might be a good option to look at.
