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Box as a platform support multiple types of Users. Here are different user types and their descriptions including use case. Let us know if you want to know more about a user type or have a question on use cases. 

User Type Description
Admin User
  • Overall owner of Box Enterprise instance
  • Configures global security and content settings
  • Responsible for enabling/authorizing Custom Applications – including review of authorized scopes

Use Cases: Required for all use cases. 

Managed User


  • Standard knowledge worker would use this type of account to access the Box first-party applications (web, mobile, drive, etc.) - either through Box credentials or SSO
  • Use OAuth 2.0 to authorize Box partner integrations (Salesforce, Teams, Slack, etc.)
  • Can use JWT Authentication if Custom Application's "Application Access" setting is set to Enterprise and application has been authorized by the Enterprise's Admin
  • Consumes a standard Box license – account is owned by your Box Enterprise

Use Cases: Internal users logging to or custom portal. Some examples: Marketing docs collaboration, HR portal, Sales strategy etc.

Co-Admin User

  • Managed User account with certain elevated permissions, as provided by Admin
External User
  • Managed User that belongs to someone else's Box Enterprise – cannot be created or managed by API or Admin Console
  • Can be added to folders/collaborated with depending on global security and content settings

Use Cases: Content Collaboration outside the enterprise. Examples: Consulting documents, Tax Prep content with CPA. 

Service Account

  • A Service Account is automatically created when Admin User authorizes a Custom Application within the Box Enterprise
  • Service Account represents an application in the eyes of Box
  • Can create users that belong to the application (App Users) or enterprise (Managed Users) if scoped to do so, can own content, can have elevated permissions as Co-Admin
  • Leveraged most in "app-owned content" or "app-owned process" scenarios

Use Case: Custom portal supporting partners/customers.

App User

  • Only access to Box is via API – does not have Box credentials or access to any Box first-party applications
  • Owned by the application that created it – application authorization owned by the Enterprise
  • Represented to Box by a User ID in a JWT token request – authentication owned by the application's identity service
  • Is used to represent a single user of a Custom Application – can own content, collaborate on content, preview, etc.
  • Leveraged to give users a controlled content experience – users don't have to authorize Box nor do they necessarily realize that they're interacting with Box services behind the scenes

Use Cases: Customer/Partners logging to custom portal to access Box content in a secure manner. Examples: Wealth management, Insurance claim, Procurement portal etc.


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