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Upload Document To Box - Error 400 - API upload did not contain a file part



I am trying to upload a document but am receiving error 400 (API upload did not contain a file part).

I have to use an application called 4D to submit the http request using the following code…

    $boundary:=Generate UUID

        $bodyPartTxt:=$bodyPartTxt+"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attributes\""+$crlf 
        $bodyPartTxt:=$bodyPartTxt+"Content-Type: application/json"+$crlf+$crlf
        $bodyPartTxt:=$bodyPartTxt+"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\""+$docName+"\""+$crlf
        $bodyPartTxt:=$bodyPartTxt+"Content-Type: text/plain"+$crlf
        $bodyPartTxt:=$bodyPartTxt+"Some text."+$crlf

    ARRAY TEXT(aHeaderNames; 0)
    ARRAY TEXT(aHeaderValues; 0)
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderNames; "authorization")
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderValues; "bearer "+$boxToken)
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderNames; "as-user")
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderValues; <>BoxUserID)
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderNames; "Content-length")
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderValues; String(Length($bodyPartTxt)))
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderNames; "Content-type")
    APPEND TO ARRAY(aHeaderValues; "multipart/form-data; boundary="+$boundary)

$statusCode:=HTTP Request(HTTP POST method; $url; $bodyPartTxt; $responseTxt; aHeaderNames; aHeaderValues; *)

The contents sent in $bodyPartTxt are…

    --0C70A9C683B34506B5224BE1EC4AF89E\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="attributes"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{"name":"JimTest01.txt","parent":{"id":"309964342881"}}\r\n--0C70A9C683B34506B5224BE1EC4AF89E\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="JimTest01.txt"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nSome text.\r\n--0C70A9C683B34506B5224BE1EC4AF89E--


I receive the following error…

{"code":"bad_request","help_url":"","status":400,"message":"API upload did not contain a file part","type":"error"}

I’ve tried several changes…

  • Put the text in a blob and send that instead of text.
  • base 64 encode the text of the document.
  • Changing the number or location of $crlf.  This resulted in errors such as malformed stream, unexpected end of stream, or no response text at all.

I’d appreciate any ideas.  I’m stumped!


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