During call to query folder by metadata I'm getting HTTP 400 - too_many_instances, this is happening just with one box subscription, it's working for the other one
curl --location 'https://api.box.com/2.0/metadata_queries/execute_read' \
--header 'box-version: 2024.0' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ****' \
--data '{
"from": "enterprise_1234.metadata",
"query": "entityId = :entityId and entityType = :entityType",
"query_params": {
"entityId": 1,
"entityType": "TEST_FOLDER"
"fields": [
"ancestor_folder_id": "0"
"type": "error",
"status": 400,
"code": "too_many_instances",
"help_url": "https://developer.box.com/reference/post-metadata-queries-execute-read/",
"message": "Too many instances, and no supporting index available",
"request_id": "0e75317d0072c5a523ba79f1422552050"
Tried to find something in box community but all the references are old and the links are not working anymore