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Hi Team,

I am facing issue while uploading file to folder, I am having collaborator access for uploading file to a folder. My colleague has added me as collaborator (Admin) in app. When using Developer Token of that app I am able to upload file on folder, but when generating Access Token and using it to upload it gives me below error:

Error when uploading using Generated Access Token:


“type”: “error”,

“status”: 404,

“code”: “not_found”,

“context_info”: {

“errors”: >


“reason”: “invalid_parameter”,

“name”: “parent”,

“message”: “Invalid value ‘d_244280116703’. ‘parent’ with value ‘d_244280116703’ not found”




“help_url”: “”,

“message”: “Not Found”,

“request_id”: “6sq71ghlvfufpj1r”


I am generating token using client credentials and authentication for my app is OAuth 2.0

Can someone tell me what is issue or what i am missing in this implementation?


Hi @user171 , welcome to the forum.

Client Credentials Grant (CCG) has the capability of using both a service account or a user account.

With the information you sent it seems you may be using the service account which might not have access to the folder.

When you create a developer token, they are always associated with the user who created them, so that would work.

When you request a new access token for the CCG app, check to see if your are requesting for a service account or your user. For example

curl --location '' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \

--data-urlencode 'client_id=<MY CLIENT ID>' \

--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<MY CLIENT SECRET>' \

--data-urlencode 'box_subject_type=enterprise' \

--data-urlencode 'box_subject_id=877840855'

Returns this:


"access_token": "XeF...P9",

"expires_in": 3884,

"restricted_to": [],

"token_type": "bearer"


Let’s check who is logged in:

curl --location '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer XeF...P9'

Results in:


"type": "user",

"id": "20706451735",

"name": "CCG",

"login": ""


Now let’s try the same but request a CCG access token for my user:

curl --location '' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \

--data-urlencode 'client_id=<MY CLIENT ID>' \

--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<MY SECRET>' \

--data-urlencode 'box_subject_type=user' \

--data-urlencode 'box_subject_id=18622116055'

Results in:


"access_token": "B4...Ww",

"expires_in": 4222,

"restricted_to": o],

"token_type": "bearer"


Checking the logged in user:

curl --location '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer B4...Ww' \

Results in:


"type": "user",

"id": "18622116055",

"name": "Rui Barbosa",

"login": ""


Let us know if this worked. If not then we need to check your application configurations.

Also, whenever you change a CCG application configuration you must re-submit it for administrator approval. (I always forget this one. 😉 )


Hi @rbarbosa ,

As per your provided code sample I have tried same approach using postman, but I am unable to fetch user details with generated token, below error is encountered:


"type": "error",

"status": 404,

"code": "not_found",

"context_info": {

"errors": [


"reason": "invalid_parameter",

"name": "user",

"message": "Invalid value 'u_2'. 'user' with value 'u_2' not found"




"help_url": "",

"message": "Not Found",

"request_id": "yciiehhlxs1i8htg"


Please clarify do we need approval for user created apps from Admin?

Also, is there any way to use Box API without our Admin Approval?

I think I maybe misunderstanding the situation.

Let’s try to go step by step.

When you got to the developer console, can you paste a screenshot of the configurations?

Here is mine:

And I have all the scopes selected:

Also what do you get when you hit the end point?


Sure, Please find below configurations of mine:

App Access Level: App Access Level

Below is the response of end point:


"type": "error",

"status": 404,

"code": "not_found",

"context_info": {

"errors": [


"reason": "invalid_parameter",

"name": "user",

"message": "Invalid value 'u_2'. 'user' with value 'u_2' not found"




"help_url": "",

"message": "Not Found",

"request_id": "rkpaamhlz0022co0"




Hi Jahanvi,

Can you share the authentication method of your app so I can try to replicate your use case?

Mine is:

Hi @rbarbosa,

Please find attached screenshot for authentication method.



Hi Jahanvi,

Something is off and I can’t identify what…

I’ve created a CCG App access only, check everything and I am able to query the current logged in user.

curl --location '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer'

Resulting in:


"type": "user",

"id": "31499781476",

"name": "CCG APP Level",

"login": ""


So I suspect you haven’t authorized the app yet…

On the top level flip to the authorization tab:

And select review and submit.

Then goto the administrator console and approve the app:
