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I am trying to post comments on files in box using rest api callouts.It is asking for auth token.I have already authorized the app in box.I am not sure how it will work.if anybody has a working example in postman etc.

Hi @user139, welcome to the forum.

Sounds like you don’t have the authorization complete yet.

To configure Postman to get and use our API, check out this quick start guide:

This is assuming you are using OAuth.

To use CCG or JWT, it is a bit more advanced, but checkout this article:

Let us know if this helps.



I am not sure if that is the case. I am able to successfully use the app for a webhook.The issue is the webhook makes a outgoing call.I need 2 way communication.thats why I need to make a post call to box.

In that case I’m going to need a bit more information.

In your development console you should have a configured app to work with your app, what type of authentication it has.

For you app, what stack are you using (node, python, .net, java) ?

Are you using any of the Box SDK’s to handle the authentication?


I am trying with postman first

The webhook was using http post method

That should mean it has an access token some how to send on the authorization header.

Perhaps your app gets a new access token before processing the webhook?

