Hi @tkmageztik , welcome to the forum.
Now that is an interesting request. WE currently do not a webhook that will fire if there is degradation in a service.
Box has a lot of services as you can see if you drill down in the status page, so I’m not sure if a single web-hook or how many web-hooks it would require.
But I do like your idea, would you mind registering it on our product ideas portal?
Absolutely I can and I will do it, but, is there a way we can push to this idea?, call me dreamer, but maybe to achieve this be ready in some weeks? :P… out of jokes, I really interested in this will be developed.
Part of being a developer advocate is to represent the developers in the company.
I’m going to reach out to product managers and communicate the idea.
I’m wondering that it could be a nice addition to the administrator event stream, on top of the web-hook.
To be realistic don’t expect much soon, not only it is a delicate subject for the company, we are talking about hundreds of services that span across multiple product manager who have to manage their own road map and back log, hence my pulse suggestion.
With the idea registered in pulse, we can also rally developers to vote for it, which and with enough upvote, better catch the attention of product managers.
I’ll do my best.
thank you for your time and effort, I’m just notice that I don’t have access to box pulse right now, but I requested to grant me, then I will communicate you and wait for upvotes