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Anyone seeing this pop up again?

Starting on Nov 10th I began seeing large increase in “Error on Convert”

Same issue as Create Box Sign Request API results in failure while converting though that one is marked as Solved. It’s the same outcome, though perhaps could be a different cause.

My guess would be there is an issue again on the Box side, because nothing has changed in my API calls and like with last time, some calls succeed while others result in “Error on Convert”.

Hi @doc2doc

I was working on some sign code samples and I had the same issue consistently on Thursday and intermittently on Friday, for the same document.

I think it was something inside Box.

Let us know id you still have the problem, I can convert this into a support ticket if you prefer.

Best regards

Thanks for confirming. I guess let’s see if the problem keeps going or not, if so then I can report back on creating a ticket.

Yes, we are seeing the same errors and Box Sign API calls are failing for us as well.

hey doc2doc, I saw your previous posts about Box Sign and it looks like we are having the same issue. We should chat and share notes. What’s the best email to reach out to you ?

Folks, if this isn’t working, please open support cases.
