I have double-checked the box_subject_type and box_subject_id along with client_id and client_secret.
It used to work a couple of months ago. The error I first started noticing was 4th of October 2024. Can you please help me with this?
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Hi Sabin
Are you user ‘enterprise’ or ‘user’ as the subject type? If you are using ‘user’ you need to make sure that the App access level is set appropriately. With ‘App access only’ you can only generate tokens for the service account and any app user created by the service account. if the user is a managed user you’d need Enterprise access as well. (remember to re authorize the app if you make any changes)
Peter Christensen, Platform Solutions Engineer, Box
Thanks @pchristensen Box for the response.
I am currently using
box_subject_type: user
grant_type: client_credentials
Below is my app access level.
And this option is ticked as well.
And I confirm it is a service account
I didn’t make any changes, but I have sent a request to reauthorise just in case.
If your setting is ‘App access only’ you will not be able to generate tokens for managed users such as your own Box user. You would need to set it to App+enterprise (and re-authorize) to make this work. Also please note that if you change from ‘App access only’ to ‘App+enterprise’ you will need to re-enabled the advanced features for token generation as these are de-selected when you make the scope change.
Thank you @pchristensen Box . Changing it to App + enterprise with reauthorisation fixed the issue.