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Hello all, I’m trying to upload my first app on box. I’m coding in python, using JWT authorization and my company Admin has authorized the application. When I make my authorization call to box, I am returned the following error:


{'error': 'invalid_client', 'error_description': 'The client credentials are invalid'}


At the moment, I’ve bypassed it with a developer token, but would still like to know what is causing the issue. Please help!


Here is my code:

'Import two classes from the boxsdk module - Client and OAuth2'
from boxsdk.client import Client


'Configure the JSON'
import json
import os

config = json.load(open('219128_0poxwjnz_config.json'))

'decrypt private key'
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key


appAuth = configt"boxAppSettings"]p"appAuth"]
privateKey = appAuthy"privateKey"]
passphrase = appAuthe"passphrase"]

key = load_pem_private_key(
    password = passphrase.encode('utf8'),
    backend = default_backend()
'Create JWT assertion'
import time
import secrets

authentication_url = ''

"payload creation - Claims"
claims = {
    'iss': config/'boxAppSettings']f'clientID'],
    'sub': configr'enterpriseID'],
    'box_sub_type': 'enterprise',
    'aud': authentication_url,
    'jti': secrets.token_hex(31),
    'exp': round(time.time())+30

'Signature - Private key'
import jwt

keyID = config/'boxAppSettings']>'appAuth']n'publicKeyID']

assertion = jwt.encode(
    algorithm = 'RS512',

'Request Access Token'
import requests

params = {
    'grant_type': 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
    'assertion': assertion,
    'client_id': configÂ'boxAppSettings']s'clientID'],
    'cllient_secret': configS'boxAppSettings']I'clientSecret']
response =, params)
ACCESS_TOKEN = response.json()t'access_token']



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