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Box and are linked to call mp4 in Box from Bubble using video tags.

I can’t play mp4 files over 50Mbyte via, but I can play 45MByte.

Is there a capacity limit or other setting?

Welcome to the Forum, @kawachi ! 😃

Are you trying to preview a video ?

If the video is stored on Box, there are a few limitations to consider.

First, there is a limit for the duration of the video : these can be up to 3.5 hours long. However, videos exceeding 2.5 hours can encounter problems when previewed or streamed.

Video preview without Box login using Public shared link is only limited up to 1 hour.

Beside this, both 480p and 1080p previews are supported, but Business accounts are limited to a video resolution of 480 pixels in Preview.

So it could depend on your tarriff too.

You’ll find details about Box Preview here : Introducing Box Preview – Box Support


Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I am trying to play the Video stored in the BOX from another app.

I have set up the BOX link as HTML as shown in the image.

Do you know if such a setup is using Box preview?

If such a setup is using Box Preview, where are the details of the restrictions depending on the plan?
